When spirit guides get direct

Lessons in annoyance and growth... :-)

Contact with spirit guides and masters is, in most cases, a pleasant, amusing, and enlightening experience. They offer profound insights, healing and guidance, helping us navigate our lives with a broader perspective. However, did you know that they can also get annoyed or find certain questions trivial? While they are here to assist us, they can be surprisingly direct, especially when they sense we are clinging to limiting beliefs or illusions.

During one of my own journeys, I was directed to meet “the master” to seek answers to a specific question. The moment I entered the room, I was taken highly surprised to see a large black bird with a long beak. Noticing my surprise, he said, “I like this shape and will remain so for as long as I please.” I stammered, “Eh, yeah, sure…” feeling slightly overwhelmed by his commanding remark and directness. Over time, as we became more familiar with each other during my out-of-body experiences (OBEs), his behavior to me softened, and he adopted a friendlier attitude. Yet, regardless of his tone, his guidance always carried profound wisdom and unwavering support.

One of my greatest struggles was grasping the concept that time is not real. This led a few times to moments of frustration on both sides. I prefer things to be consistent and logical. If time doesn’t exist, why use its terminology at all? There were occasions when a guide would reference a specific moment in time or suggest going “back in time,” only to dismiss my follow-up questions about when something would happen, with remarks like, “Time doesn’t exist,” as if my confusion were a sign of immaturity. This is inconsistency to me, and during one recent journey, I felt particularly annoyed by this dynamic.

When I expressed my confusion, the guide simply ignored my remark and moved on to another topic, clearly irritated. His dismissal left me feeling frustrated, but it also sparked a determination within me to understand the deeper truth. That night, fueled by the energy of my annoyance, I revisited the journey and the information shared about time and the great shift we are collectively working toward. Suddenly, it all clicked. How could I have been so blind all these years? How deeply had I been programmed within the illusion of time?

Of course, time doesn’t exist. Time is merely a translation of our perception of Earth’s movement in relation to the Sun. When we speak of time, we are referring to the rhythm and movement of celestial bodies—a construct that helps us make sense of our physical reality. So we can go "back in time" because there the idea of time supports connecting to a certain movement or happening. However, if we want to now when something is going to happen, this is close to impossible to express in time. As we don't know which movements (roads) will lead us to a specific future experience.

And even movement, upon deeper reflection, is an illusion. This realization ties into the profound understanding that nothing is truly real; everything is a mental construct. I know this not just intellectually but from direct experience, having touched the state of samadhi, where all illusions dissolve, and only pure consciousness remains.

In the end, my frustration with the guide’s directness became a catalyst for a deeper realization. It reminded me that even in moments of annoyance or confusion, there is always a lesson to be learned. The masters and guides, in their infinite wisdom, often challenge us to break free from our self-imposed limitations. They usher us toward truths that transcend our everyday understanding, even if the process can feel uncomfortable or incongruent at times. And so, I continue my journeys with gratitude, knowing that every interaction, whether pleasant or perplexing, is a step further.

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