Twin Flames

An eternal couple in paradise

A twin flame connection is a profound bond between two individuals believed to be two halves of the same soul. Unlike soulmates, twin flames reflect each other's strengths and weaknesses, fostering significant personal growth and transformation. This relationship is marked by intense emotions, cycles of separation and reunion, and ultimately strives for unconditional love and acceptance.

Recently, I guided a session with Leo, during which he inquired about his twin flame connection and its origins. The connection between Leo and his Twin Flame originated before their lives on Earth.

Below is an excerpt from the OBE part of Leo’s session, with the name of the Twin Flame replaced by [twin flame] for privacy. Leo has given permission for his name to be used.

Below the text you find Leo’s testimonial.

The journey starts after I have expanded his awareness and he is perceiving stars in a black space.

Leo: I see is like stars and black.

Jeroen: Stars, OK. Beautiful. So you see a black background with stars?

Leo: Yeah.

Jeroen: That's beautiful. Now I'd like for you to follow your curiosity. Your feeling of curiosity and just ask yourself in what direction do I feel like going?

Leo: Straight on.

Jeroen: OK, you can go, you can follow that impulse and you can go as fast as you want. And as you move straight on, tell me how it feels?

Leo: It feels good and really easy. I also feel some kind of a pull of something.

Jeroen: OK. If you feel like it, you can follow that pull. You can allow yourself to float in the direction of the pull if you feel like it.

Leo: MHM, yes.

Jeroen: And then just see where the pull brings you or leads you. What do you perceive?

Leo: I see [twin flame]. Yeah, OK.

Jeroen: OK, you'd like to connect with her.

Leo: Yes, yes, I go to her.

Jeroen: That’s OK. Are you now with her? Or you're still moving in her direction.

Leo: I'm being with her, I can feel her.

Jeroen: How does she look?

Leo: Same eyes like me.

Jeroen: And what is she wearing?

Leo: Something purple, her favorite color.

Jeroen: You can express your gratitude towards her for being there with you. You can say you're happy to see here.

Leo: Yes. MHM

Jeroen: And you can ask her if she has a message for you. What's the message?

Leo: It's all good.

Jeroen: Can you ask her what she means by it's all good.

Leo: We just hug.

Jeroen: So in the hug, you can ask her what she means by it's all good. What does it mean?

Leo: Yeah, that the connection is there. And... and… It's, it’s just complicated.

Jeroen: MHM. Can you can you ask her if she can show you where the connection between the two of you originated, what's the origin of your connection with her?

Leo: At the stars.

Jeroen: OK. Can she bring you there? Do you feel like going there?

Leo: Yes.

Jeroen: How do you feel?

Leo: I'm a bit emotional and I cry.

Jeroen: I understand, that is OK. Maybe you like to hold her hand while you are going to the stars.

Leo: Yes.

Jeroen: So she's bringing you now to that place where your connection originates. Are you there?

Leo: Yeah, it's it's like the sun.

Jeroen: Can you ask her if it is the sun or if it is another star?

Leo: It's a different star.

Jeroen: It's a different star. OK. And what do you perceive there on that star?

Leo: We're like flying in space close to the star. And I feel the connection to the star.

Jeroen: OK. I'd like for you to feel, if you like to go to the star or connect with the star.

Leo: I feel already connected to that star.

Jeroen: OK. Do you like to go on the surface or do you like to go inside in the star to really be in that connection?

Leo: I feel going inside.

Jeroen: Can you ask [twin flame] if she wants to join you or if it's better for you to go alone?

Leo: It's better alone.

Jeroen: OK, you can ask her if she wants to wait for you there where she is right now.

Leo: Sure.

Jeroen: OK. So if you feel like, you can move into that star. Where [twin flame] said you come from.

Leo: Yeah, it it's like home.

Jeroen: OK, beautiful. Can you ask the star to show you, how you looked when you were living there? When you were there with [twin flame].

Leo: Feels kind of the same.

Jeroen: The same as what?

Leo: Somewhat similar as the form I have now.

Jeroen: OK. And where you're living with others as well?

Leo: Yeah. OK, I don't see it, but I can feel it.

Jeroen: OK. Can you ask in the space where you are, if there is a guide available or someone available who knows everything about everything about you?

Leo: Someone is already coming to me.

Jeroen: OK. And how does that person look like? Or that being.

Leo: The head is the like a bird head and kind of human body.

Jeroen: MHM. And how does this being feel like?

Leo: Like. Like God-like, you know, like powerful.

Jeroen: Can you see its eyes?

Leo: Yes.

Jeroen: If you look into the eyes, how does it make you feel?

Leo: Respectful.

Jeroen: OK. Can you express your gratitude for the being to be there with you?

Leo: Yes, OK.

Jeroen: I like for you to ask if that being is one of your guides.

Leo: Yes, he is a guide.

Jeroen: OK. It's beautiful. Can you ask it if it has a message for you in this moment?

Leo: Let go.

Jeroen: OK. Can you ask him what it is that you have to let go? Can he show you or tell you what it is you have to let go?

(Now the session moves into different topics of healing / inner child healing and
letting go of patterns that no longer serve Leo. Then the topic of a life
partner comes up.)

Jeroen: Can you ask him if it is already known who your life partner will be? Or is this not defined yet?

Leo: My mind is so scared to say this, but in a feeling it comes as [twin flame].

Jeroen: OK, connect to your guide strongly and ask him, is there a chance that your life partner is going to be [twin flame]?

Leo: Yeah, feels more like yes.

Jeroen: So it's likely?

Leo: I think he doesn't want to tell me because I should learn to let go.

Jeroen: OK.

Leo: Maybe I'm not supposed to know now.

Jeroen: Ok. You're strongly connected to her? You're related to her?

Leo: Yes.

Jeroen: Can you ask your guide to show you, how you and [twin flame] were related to each other on the star where you are now. Can he show you an image of how you were living, in what way you were connected here?

Leo: It is paradise, like heaven, on this star. Was just peaceful heaven paradise.

Jeroen: Hmm. And how were you related to [twin flame] in heaven in Paradise here?

Leo: As an eternal couple in paradise. Mhm


When I met Jeroen, I had an instant intuition to ask about OBE. Because I had a twin flame encounter last year, which changed my life forever.

I wanted clarity about the origin of this twin flame connection and after the deep OBE session with Jeroen, I have the clarity I was looking for.

The OBE session turned out to be a turning point in my life and one of the deepest experiences that I ever had.

I met a very powerful guide, physically and spiritually and I experienced deep healing for my body, mind and soul.

I feel more peaceful, blissful and aligned.