I often hear people say they have a Higher Self that always has their best interests at heart, as if the Higher Self exists solely for their benefit. While this is close to the truth, it doesn’t completely align with my understanding of the Higher Self, which I’ve developed through hundreds of out-of-body experiences (OBE’s) I’ve personally had, as well as the many journeys I’ve guided others through.
Let’s start by defining what I call a person’s Higher Self, or Total Self. It is the totality of lived experiences to which the soul of the current life is directly connected. This soul is a fractal of the original soul (or oversoul). The Higher Self initiates a new experience after each lifetime when it deems another life beneficial. It creates a new Idea (or soul code / soul plan) and attaches a fractal of consciousness to it. In that moment, a new soul is born and sent to its destination, to put it simply.
Within the realm of the Higher Self, there are also Spirit Guides and Masters, often energies from past experiences, who provide direction, guidance, support, and protection. They may even intervene in the physical reality of human expression if necessary.
Through the Higher Self, one can access the archive of all lived experiences connected to their soul. Think of it as a database containing information about every lifetime. I’ve visited “my” archive several times and have witnessed both amazing and awful things. The beauty of OBEs is that once you’ve visited something, returning to it becomes effortless.
Every soul has a specific, often unique reason for coming to Earth. Some souls come to gain certain experiences, while others are here to share their qualities, contribute to planetary growth, or fulfill a particular mission. However, during my guided OBE sessions, I’ve encountered what I call “impossible” missions, missions that required adjustments to make life easier for the individual involved.
Let’s start with the preparation aspect of coming to Earth. In one session, a woman was guided back to her Astral Family and realized she was living here and there simultaneously. When she connected with the being present at the moment her life mission was formed, I asked how she had been prepared for life on Earth. She described being shown a simulator. When I asked how accurate it was in simulating Earth’s conditions, she replied that Earth is far heavier and denser than what the simulator portrayed. The simulation was not very representative.
In other sessions, I’ve encountered individuals who chose to experience all kinds of suffering, such as loneliness, separation, physical pain, or emotional pain. From our perspective, this is hard to comprehend. Why on Earth would anyone want that? However, from their perspective, it makes sense. When you live in such close connection with others that you don’t even need names and can always sense what others need, you might yearn to experience loneliness or separation to some degree. Doesn’t that make sense?
The energies or souls who dream up these ideas of coming to Earth to suffer at times have no real understanding of what Earth is like. They only know they can explore or learn something entirely new and dive into it without realizing the true nature of suffering, the feeling of being alone, or the risk of forgetting their origins. They also don’t grasp the danger of becoming trapped in the soul recycling system. Often, what’s missing in their original soul code is an end date to the suffering. In several cases, I’ve helped set such an end date, always in agreement with the individual and after checking with his or her spirit guide. Because we only set an end date, if there is sufficient suffering experienced.
Things also become challenging when these energies believe it’s easy to fix Earth or change humanity. Their ideas for change are often based on experiences in other realms, where change is more responsive to conscious thought. On Earth, however, change follows its own rhythms and dynamics. It cannot be forced. In several sessions, we’ve had to detach individuals from the need for a specific positive outcome, allowing them to contribute to positive change without the stress of needing to succeed. This creates a sense of freedom and adds flow to their lives. As before, they would always feel somekind of unknown stress or urge to perform.
Then there are souls who are so unprepared for incarnation that they want to leave the moment they arrive. As team members of the Higher Self, if staying serves the Higher Self’s purpose, we have no choice but to remain. Once, I worked with a man during a guided OBE who felt something was suppressing him, holding him energetically down. After expanding his awareness, he met a spirit guide who revealed an image of him being kidnapped from a school playground at the age seven and taken to a park. My client initially said, “Yes, I remember, but nothing happened.” The guide responded instantly, “Actually, something did happen, and you need to see it.”
I asked him to revisit that moment in the park and observe it from a distance. He saw that there had been some sexual abuse, but what shocked him more was noticing three of his spirit guides present, seemingly orchestrating the experience. When we asked the guide why this was necessary, the guide explained, “You didn’t want to be in this life on Earth, and your willpower was so strong that you could have pushed yourself out by dying in some way. We didn’t want that to happen, so we used this to suppress your willpower.” This realization harmonized the situation, and the suppressing force was instantly eliminated. The relief he felt was profound.
Whenever we consider altering someone’s soul code, making small changes, we always consult his or her intuition and spirit guide or master. We never make changes based on our limited awareness. It’s common for certain fears or thought patterns to be residues from a past life or a series of past lives. This happened to me as well. My drive to uncover my main fear led me to participate in The Monroe Institute’s Gateway Voyage program. There, I identified and even removed that fear from my “soul code,” so to speak. This experience showed me that we do have some control over our soul code, and I’m deeply grateful to now guide others in optimizing their soul codes, and consequently, his or her life experience.
Please remember that every life experience and every soul-code is entirely unique. The experiences of others belong solely to them. While we can take inspiration from their journeys, we cannot assume that the meaning of their experiences applies to us as well.
You are just as unique as you are Unlimited.