For a long time, I have been hearing people say that we create our own universe and that we are essentially Gods. This statement is obviously simplified; however, there are strong beliefs within the New Age movement that are merely philosophical and spiritual in nature, lacking scientific proof. Does that mean these claims are false?
I don’t adhere to everything that comes from the New Age movement, especially the fact that some people follow certain ideas or dogmas as a new belief system without questioning or validating them through lived experiences. My general stance toward all external information is that it can serve as a source of inspiration, to explore these ideas or compare them with my own firsthand experiences.
In this blog, I will focus on the origin and creation of souls. But first, I would like you to realize that we perceive our reality in accordance with how we are programmed. By this, I mean that the way our minds translate input through our senses is based on thought patterns. This implies that whatever comes through our senses is immediately translated into forms, shapes, colors, tastes, smells, sounds, and feelings, things that we are familiar with. Please note that I write from my personal perspective and have perceived information according to my thought patterns, which may differ from yours.
In one of my out-of-body experiences (OBE's), I met the Supreme Architect, or God, if you prefer. I was shown, in basic terms, how he creates. Essentially, it narrows down to the following: He* transmits or projects an idea for some creation into a field that supports this idea. The moment the idea leaves Him, a fractal of consciousness is attracted to it, and upon the merger of those two, a soul is created, making it likely for the idea to manifest into form. The concept (experience) of time is one of His creations too, it is a product of the law of cause and effect. In this way, He created the basic building blocks and the first conscious beings in different universes and on different planets. Although we don’t perceive it as such easily, all creations (souls) are connected to each other and form an immense divine grid.
*Note: Since I have a Christian upbringing, the Supreme Architect was presented as a masculine figure. This is probably symbolic, intended to align with my level of awareness so that I could understand what was being shown to me.
Based on my experiences, I have come to understand that everything has a soul: universes, planets, stars, elements, humans, animals, plants, etc. Moreover, I see that our human creations also possess souls. I have encountered the souls of products, organizations, and relationships. This makes complete sense because a soul is the merger of an idea with consciousness. All and every manifestation is based on an idea, hence a soul. We create souls throughout the day. Of course, the souls we create in daily life are not as complex as those created by the Supreme Architect and often shorter lifespans. Nevertheless, every creation we produce has a soul; from the food we cook to the drawings our children create. When I realized this, I experienced a moment of awe. This is directly related to the first of the seven Hermetic principles of the universe: The Universe Is Mental (All is Mind). As is written by The Three Initiates in the Kybalion. Below this text I have added the 7 Hermetic principles.
After this realization, I felt inspired to consciously experiment with this concept and headed to the astral realms for the first soul creation. The first experiment was simple and maybe somewhat inspired by the movie Inception: I created a soul that would inspire a person to ask for my phone number. I included "respect free will" in the idea. It worked! However, the person could have asked for my number without my soul creation as well, so that didn’t prove much.
The next experiment was the creation of a soul during a collective journey with a friend from the US. Collective Journeys is a new initiative I’m exploring, based on a vision I had in 2016. It involves going on an astral journey with someone else; traveling, perceiving, and working as a team. The vision I had in 2016 involved traveling with a team of about 20 people. I forgot all about that vision until recently.
My friend and I met online and we agreed on the intention of creating a soul that would result in a simple conscious being, which would give us a physical signal the moment our guides, masters, or life tried to communicate something to us when we were deafened by daily life or the chatter of our minds.
The moment we reached the appropriate dimension to create this soul, we invited our spirit masters to join us. I transmitted our intention to my master and asked if doing this was acceptable. He expressed his approval and said that we could play with it as much as we liked. I received the feeling that there are no limitations to what we can do because the capacity of our human minds are limited and we are bound to our soul-plan.
My masters and guides were already aware that this was going to happen, so there was no surprise on their side. However, my friend noticed that all his guides and masters were observing from a distance, expressing their positive amazement that their team member (my friend) was actually doing this.
The process of creation we used was similar to how we would expand our species in ancient times, before the moon as it were. This process was shown to me in 2018. It involves two opposing energies (feminine-masculine) embracing each other, filled with love, with the mutual intention of creating a new life form like them. We used the same process, but in this case, we utilized the opposing sex within us and projected it as a copy in front of us. Afterward, we performed the ritual of creation, and lo and behold, instantly the souls were manifested.
We asked how effective these souls would be for us; “The more you work with it, the more effective it becomes”, was the answer.
So, the question of whether we are Gods is yes and no. We are not capital-G Gods because our capacity to create is limited due to the limitations of our minds and soul-plan. However, I can safely state that we have, to some degree, God-like capacities. And we are here to use them.
Amen - so be it.
I do not want you to belief that the following Hermetic principles are the Ultimate Truth. Because I invite everybody to challenge these principles, in order to find his or her Truth.
The Hermetic principles are a set of teachings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, a legendary figure often associated with wisdom and knowledge in various esoteric traditions. These principles are primarily outlined in the "Kybalion," a book published in 1908 by three individuals who wrote under the pseudonym "The Three Initiates." The seven Hermetic principles are:
1. The Principle of Mentalism: This principle states that "The All is Mind." It suggests that everything that happens has its origin in the mind, and the universe itself can be understood as a mental creation.
2. The Principle of Correspondence: This principle is often summarized by the phrase "As above, so below; as below, so above." It indicates that there is a correspondence between different planes of existence—what happens on one level reflects what happens on another.
3. The Principle of Vibration: According to this principle, everything in the universe is in constant motion and vibrates at its own frequency. Nothing rests; everything moves and vibrates.
4. The Principle of Polarity: This principle states that everything has its pair of opposites, which are actually the same thing differing only in degree. For example, hot and cold are two extremes of temperature, but they are essentially the same phenomenon.
5. The Principle of Rhythm: This principle posits that everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall. There is a rhythm between every pair of opposites or extremes.
6. The Principle of Cause and Effect: This principle asserts that nothing happens by chance and that every cause has its effect, and every effect has its cause. This principle emphasizes the importance of understanding the connections between actions and their consequences.
7. The Principle of Gender: This principle states that gender exists in everything and manifests as the masculine and feminine principles. It emphasizes the importance of balance between these energies in all aspects of life.
These principles are often used as a framework for understanding the nature of reality, personal development, and spiritual growth within various esoteric traditions.