• Meet your unlimited you












  • Guided OBE Offerings

    Quick Fix OBE

    A 1,5 hour session;

    perfect for those who

    have one burning question

    € 150

    pre paid


    ~1,5 Hour


    Including free

    Audio Recording


    Money Back Guarantee

    Deep OBE Journey

    A 4+ hour Session;

    Up to 15 questions, healing,

    Higher Self contact, and beyond

    € 360

    pre paid

    In Person or Online

    4+ Hours


    Including free

    Audio Recording


    Money Back Guarantee

    Most rewarding

    Practitioner Training

    For those who want

    to grow fast and

    help others

    € ~900

    pre paid

    5 Days


    Including free

    Audio recordings

    of all demonstrations


    Including Certificate

    • You move beyond your physical reality
    • Connecting to your Higher Self, Guides and Masters, other energies
    • Receive healing, directions and get clearity on basically anything
    • Understanding relationship patterns and karmic connections
    • Timetravel, observing the past, past lives, possible future
    • And more - The possibilities are unlimited, just like you.

    Now, for business too; solving creative blocks, meet your product from a new perspective, expanded market view, problem solving

  • What to expect of a Guided OBE

    Benefits and session structure


    A Guided Out of Body Experience is an OBE under the guidance of an experienced and trained person, someone who knows how to travel in an Out of Body state and how to guide others in the realms beyond our physical reality.


    The benefits of an OBE cannot be overestimated and are challenging to express in just a few words. The following is just the tip of the iceberg to give an impression: relaxation of body and mind, trust and confidence, personal growth, physical and emotional healing, understanding and healing relationship patterns, realization that you are not your body, that there is more, one's journey continues after death, connecting with other beings and planets, enjoying the bodyless state, making meaningful connections that can only be made in an expanded state of awareness, healing and understanding past experiences, solving problems and creative blocks, realizing your true potential and life mission. Here you can read more benefits of a Guided OBE.


    Quick Fix OBE

    Many people have just one burning question, or a "hidden" issue, that keeps them from moving on in life. I find it quite remarkable how many people have a karmic issue on money. But also other topics can be resolved or cleared up in just a one hour session.


    During the Quick Fix session we have a brief pre talk to understand your question, a 30 minute OBE journey and we end with an integration talk. I record your session to facilitate your integration process. Listening back to your session will bring you back to the state of awareness you had during your session. The recording will be sent to you shortly after your session. After your session, you are most likely to connect to your Higher Self or spirit guides at will.


    Deep OBE Journey

    A Deep OBE Journey into your Higher Self (and potentially beyond) typically lasts for over 4 hours, and there are virtually no limits on what you can ask for. Whether all your questions are answered depends on many factors, one of which is your own path of growth. Generally, all your questions will be addressed, and your intentions will be fulfilled in impressive ways.


    For the Deep Session we meet in person or online and start with a good pre-talk to understand your intention and questions. This will take about 2 hours because I like to understand where you are coming from and what it is that you would like to achieve.


    Then you lay down in a comfortable and relaxed way, and I talk you into a trance. I guide you to your heart, and from there, we expand your consciousness beyond your body and beyond your imagination. This part of the session will take about 1.5 - 2 hours.


    After your session, we have an Integration talk to connect the dots of what you have experienced. This ensures that your session starts integrating to achieve the best outcome for you. This will take 0.5 - 1 hour.


    I record your session to facilitate your integration process. Listening back to your session will bring you back to the state of awareness you had during your session. The recording will be sent to you shortly after your session. After your session, you are most likely to connect to your Higher Self or spirit guides at will.


    Can everybody have a Guided OBE?

    I know that if you can do simple visualizations (like seeing a red flower with your eyes closed), you will perceive an expanded state of awareness with visuals, in which you have experiences beyond your physical reality.


    Money-back guarantee 

    In most situations, I give a money-back guarantee that you experience an expanded state of awareness in which you have profound experiences. Book your 30-minute free consult to find out more.


    Start with a 30-minute free consult

    Before embarking on a journey together, we have a call to meet each other, answer questions about a Guided OBE session, and understand your intentions. If you feel a yes during our call, we can schedule your session.

  • Become a Practitioner

    After two deep and expansive training events in Spain and the Netherlands, during which every participant connected with spirit guides and/or spirit masters and received mind-blowing information and healing, I look forward to the next training events. Nothing is scheduled yet, but I am aiming for the following: Japan (September 2024), Thailand (November 2024) and Portugal (January 2025). Exact dates will follow. Sign up here and we'll keep you updated.


    The training is a journey beyond your imagination and is designed to unlock your capacities to guide others into their subconscious mind and their Higher Self. They will enter consciously and with full awareness into the space of infinite possibilities; going back to any moment in time, moving forward in time, not being bound by time and space, healing anything or clearing the path to healing, receiving guidance and directions from guides or masters, and experiencing amazingly beautiful adventures. Guiding individuals on a Out of Body Experience is a beautiful and meaningful way to help others.


    Testimonial from Robert, Spain

    "The experience was amazing, unbelievable, perfect. For me one of the best experiences in this life. I am still floating, enjoying the trip, and somehow all the things are matching together in my life. It is like a puzzle, all pieces fit in. And that makes me feel just amazingly good. It’s really difficult to describe in words. Thank you very much for this piece of puzzle you have shared with me."


  • Testimonial from Robert about the Guided OBE practitioner training

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  • About me

    Master in Out of Body Experience

    Hi, my name is Jeroen Krieger, 51 years of age, I am a master in Out of Body Experience and I offer Guided OBE sessions. I love to share my gift and I fully trust my skills, therefore I give you a money back guarantee; if you have no experience of an expanded state of awareness you get a full refund.

    Since participating in Bob Monroe's Gateway Voyage in 2016, I have become a frequent flyer in the world of Out of Body Experiences (OBE). In January 2023, I began guiding OBE sessions and have successfully connected 98% of participants with their Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Spirit Masters, Totem Animals, Past Lives, Inner Child Care, Relatives who Passed Away, Spirit and Astral Families and even other planets.


    My journey into guiding OBE sessions began after reading Dolores Cannon's book, The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth. After conducting approximately 25 Past Life Regression sessions, I received guidance to find a new way of guiding people beyond our physical realm. This led me to develop an effective method for guiding people into experiences beyond imagination, without the use of any (plant) medicine.


    During our sessions, we work with your Higher Self to ensure that the Out of Body Experience aligns with your level of growth and understanding. I do not shape your experiences in any way but guide you through speech into a deep level of relaxation, supporting you in expanding your consciousness beyond our physical realm.


    Every Out of Body Experience is unique and beyond imagination. Let's lift the veil and explore together!


    Since everything is perceived in a constant flow of change, the majority of images on this website symbolize flow. The flow of life, the flow of experienced manifestation. In this flow, everything is always new. Even what seems as something old, is "fresh" in every moment of perceived flow.

  • You are Everything and Everything is You

    Extra information, testimonials, experiences, thoughts, and reflections.

    January 12, 2024 · OBE Sessions
    Ursula, Online session, Quick Fix OBE It is magical when magic happens. Wow, what a...
    Manifestation has captured the interest of many, with countless success stories and “proven”...
    June 24, 2024
    In some situations, a person may request insight or change for a physical condition. Recently, I...
  • Fill out this form if you feel like reaching out, or if you want to stay updated.

    Guided Out of Body Experience

    +31618152383 (Whatsapp / Telegram only)